Yoga Teachers

Claire Drury

Claire Drury is one of Australia's most experienced, skilled and knowledgeable teachers in the modality of Bikram yoga, and has taught a variety of classes at 49 studios in 25 cities around the globe!

Claire teaches from the heart, with energy, enthusiasm and an extensive understanding of posture mechanics, technique and benefits for mind & body.

Here at AM Mind Your Body Claire teaches MYB Upregulating and Down-regulating yoga classes, and you can also book private classes with Claire.

Location: In person @AM Mind Your Body, 10 Marian Street, NORTH ADELAIDE 

Bilo Barry

With over 30 years of dedicated experience in the field of yoga, Bilo Barry is a seasoned practitioner and teacher whose journey has spanned the globe.

Her career has taken her from the serene landscapes of Asia to the vibrant communities of Australia, where she has taught for the past 7 years. Bilo’s extensive background includes years of study and practice overseas, allowing her to blend traditional techniques with modern approaches to create a unique and inclusive teaching style.

Bilo is passionate about guiding students on their personal journeys, helping them cultivate both physical strength and mental clarity. Her classes are known for their thoughtful instruction, compassionate approach, and a deep respect for the individual paths of her students.

At AM Mind Your Body, Bilo teaches our Flow classes.