Introducing Annemarie Menne

Annemarie Menne is a Psychologist, Body and Mind Educator, and Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, who brings a refreshing perspective to stress management and holistic well-being.

By drawing from her diverse background, Annemarie’s mission is to educate and inform you on how mind and body work together. 

Annemarie integrates psychological principles, body awareness techniques, and trauma-informed yoga practices to foster a comprehensive approach to well-being.

With a focus on empowerment and skill-building, Annemarie offers simple tools to navigate life's everyday challenges with resilience and self-awareness.

Annemarie’s aim is to offer meaningful, impactful support for those seeking to cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and effectively manage every-day stress.

In her own words…

A few years ago, I had my own experience of chronic stress that led to burnout. I had to learn to recognise my body’s signals and my mind’s patterns and find ways to sustainably manage stress and life’s challenges.

Over the past 20 years, I have learned so much about the body & mind connection and realised how disconnected most of us have become. In my clinical practice, I see the effects of stress and trauma on body and mind, sometimes over generations.

I completed my training to become a Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher because I wanted to learn practical body-based ways to bridge the gap between psychology and movement.

That’s when my idea of “AM Mind Your Body” originated, as a platform and community for people like you and I, who want to learn more about why we feel what we feel, how to get off the hamster wheel of constantly doing, what stress is and how to manage it, and finding simple ways to re-train body and mind to relax and find stillness.

I have been looking into the evolving research into body & mind approaches in this area, and now offer:

Online Courses

Mindful Movement and Trauma Informed Yoga classes

Webinars and Workshops