Trauma Informed Yoga Program

Trauma-Informed Yoga is based on the understanding that

trauma affects mind & body.

Research has found that yoga may improve the functioning of traumatised individuals by helping them feel safe in their own bodies again, increase emotional awareness and affect tolerance (e.g., Van der Kolk et al. 2014).

But there’s more:

We now know the importance of body-based learning that goes beyond what words can describe.
While it's supportive for individuals with PTSD, trauma-informed yoga is beneficial for anyone seeking to (re-)connect with mind and body.

So what is it?

Trauma-informed yoga focuses on offering choices, safety, and empowerment within any style of yoga. It's more about the approach than the specific poses.

Trauma-informed yoga is about creating a sense of agency, grounding, and reclaiming control over one's body in a supportive environment.

What to expect from our 4-week program

  • Learn about the interplay between body & mind

  • Experience safety and calm

  • Gentle, empowering yoga practices tailored to support trauma recovery.

  • Emphasis on choice, consent, and empowerment in every session.

  • Integration of breathwork, meditation, and body awareness techniques to promote healing on all levels.

Trauma-Informed Yoga does not constitute or substitute psychological therapy, but it can be a helpful addition to therapy OR a first step towards recovery from trauma.

Register below for our next course starting in November 2024 OR fill in the sign-up form for someone to contact you and discuss suitability.