Simple Strategies for Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout

Burnout begins in the Body

Do you find yourself running on empty?

Doing everything for everyone, but no time for yourself?

Forgetting to eat, or not even going to the toilet when you need to because there’s just too much to do in the day? 

The more we try to “do it all”, the more disconnected we become from our body and mind’s needs.

In the short term, this may not be a problem, but over time this can lead to chronic stress than can cause havoc on your body and mind.

I hear you!

As a practising Psychologist I see the effects of chronic stress every day in my clinical practice, and have had my own personal experience of stress, burnout and anxiety!

In this e-course I will break down some common misconception about stress, the nervous system, and the mind… and help you develop your personalised burnout-proof plan!

My aim is to help you not only understand your body and mind better, but to gain an appreciation of what your amazing body and mind do for you, every day.



A self-paced online course to help you discover your needs so you can better manage stress and create more ease and calm in your day-to-day life.

The “Keeping the Body in Mind” online course is a four -module self-paced course, designed to help you understand how the body and mind are connected, and why that’s important for our health and wellbeing.  

Because when you understand why your body and mind work the way they do, you feel more empowered and in control!

Here’s what to expect:

This self-paced course has been expertly crafted to help you…

✔️ Learn how the body and mind are connected, and why that’s important for our health and wellbeing.

✔️ Understand complex concepts based on neuroscience and psychology translated into actionable take-aways.

✔️ Recognise different emotions in the body, giving you a clearer understanding of your inner world.

✔️ Learn how stress impacts body and mind, and how to support our bodies to (literally) move through stress and tension.

✔️ Learn easy ways to manage signs of stress and start to feel more connected to your body and mind.

✔️ Create a personalised “Mind Your Body” (MYB) Map to guide you on when (and how) to utilise your new skills.

✔️ Identify barriers to being attuned to your body, and insights into what might keep you stuck.

✔️ Gain mindset skills and receive easy-to-use strategies to be more aware of your body and mind’s needs, and to meet them more effectively.


  • The course consists of 4 modules, each with 4 lessons. Each lesson comprises a short video (on average 7mins) during which you will see me in front of the camera explaining concepts in easy and relatable ways.

    The MYB workbook is your electronic fillable resource, that explains key concepts and invites you to reflect on your own experiences.

    You also receive a MYB Menu and MYB Map – resources to help you choose and design your very own stress management plan.

    For the first 4 weeks after our launch, you are invited to come along to weekly group calls via Zoom! Each week I will address contents of each Module and you have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

  • Up to you!

    As the course is self-paced, you can spend as much or as little time as works for you on each lesson! You will receive “check in points” and opportunities to pause and reflect at various times throughout the videos.

    Some people like to watch all videos first, others prefer to work through one module at a time.

    You can revisit sections you’d like to learn more about and follow along or replay the movement component and meditation exercises whenever you need or feel like it.


    This course is all about recognizing your needs!

  • My aim for you is to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of your body and mind, so that you can recognize your needs before you get to breaking point.

    At the end of this course, you will understand your body and mind’s needs better – and you’ll be able to meet those needs much more effectively.

    When we feel calm, comfortable and in control, we can live life much more fully.

    That has a flow-on effect on our relationships, on people around you, and your enjoyment of life in a wider sense. When we feel safe and grounded, we can be more productive in our work and our contributions to the world. We can be more creative, learn new things, and live life to our full potential.

    It’s time to come back to our bodies & minds!

  • This is a self-paced course, so you will get access to the content as soon as you purchase!

When you enrol you will get instant access to…

✔️ Professionally produced video-based lessons – to help you learn about the Mind Body connection based on neuroscience and psychology

✔️ Interactive reflection prompts – to invite you to pause and apply principles discussed to your life

✔️ Access to our private MYB Facebook group – connect with like-minded MYB members, to enhance lasting lifestyle changes

✔️ Guided meditation “on the go” – so that you can find calm and respite from your daily stress and busy-ness within 5minutes

✔️ Easy movement demonstrations/tutorials – to follow along when you need easy ways to calm or re-energise your body

✔️ Your MYB-Map – a structured tool to help you personalise the program to your goals, so you can find your current stress points and ways to get back on track – repeat or revisit as often as you need

✔️ Your MYB workbook – with resources and references to further deepen your learning and understanding of yourself, your patterns, and what could help you get your groove back

✔️ Accessibility features

Get the entire program

for $199

Modules at a Glance

  • • How body and mind are connected, and why that’s important for our health and wellbeing.

    • How thoughts – feelings – body sensations – and behaviour are linked

    • How our language reflects what we feel

    • How and where we feel emotions

    • How our body sensations and posture impact how we feel

  • • What can get in the way of being attuned to our bodies

    • What are the most common stressors

    • Why stress isn’t always bad

    • Fight / Flight / Freeze – The Neuroscience of stress

    • The impact of chronic stress on thinking / feeling / body and behaviour

  • • Rest & Digest – How to switch on the parasympathetic part of the ANS

    • How to use your breath to calm / energise

    • The Vagus Nerve – what it is, what it does, and why it matters

    • How ‘mindfulness’ can help with mind & body awareness

  • • How to put everything together

    • Learn simple movement practises to up- or down regulate your nervous system

    • Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) – learn a simple sequence to calm or re-energise body & mind

    • Develop your own “Mind Your Body” (MYB) Map to sustain ease & wellbeing

This course has been carefully created for people who…

🔸 Feel like they are running on empty

🔸 Feel overwhelmed by the demands of day-to-day life

🔸 Experience tension, stress, and burnout

🔸Are there for everyone else with little time for themselves…


And want to:

✔️ Understand how our bodies and minds work together

✔️ Learn easy strategies and skills to calm and energise your body and mind

✔️ Find ways to befriend your nervous system

✔️ Feel more comfortable in your own body

Meet your Course Creator and Founder of “AM Mind Your Body”:

Annemarie Menne

“Over the past 20 years, I have learned so much about the body & mind connection and realised how disconnected most of us have become. In my clinical practice, I see the effects of stress and trauma on body and mind, sometimes over generations. 

A few years ago, I had my own experience of chronic stress that led to burnout. I had to learn to recognise my body’s signals and my mind’s patterns and find ways to manage stress and life’s challenges sustainably.”
Annemarie Menne

Annemarie is a Clinical Psychologist, Body and Mind Educator, and Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, who brings a refreshing perspective to stress management and holistic well-being.

By drawing from her diverse background, Annemarie integrates psychological principles, body awareness techniques, and trauma-informed yoga practices to foster a comprehensive approach to well-being. Annemarie's approach is grounded in evidence-based practices, practical techniques, and genuine understanding of what stress feels like, and how debilitating its effects can be.

Keep your body in mind, and make sustainable lifestyle changes for a happier, healthier you!


The information provided in this course is of general nature and does not constitute or replace individual psychological therapy or treatment.

If you experience clinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, eating disorders, or other diagnosable mental health conditions, please seek advice from your GP and / or mental health professional.

The course is available for Adults 18+